Supporting Police K9s in Need

Help Us Help Them

We are here to help. With your support, our mission to help Police Agencies K9 program across the country including Retired Police K9’s is possible. Every donation made and purchase through our on line store will benefit the Buddy Foundation and make a difference.

It became clear after fundraising for local Police Departments K9 program, it simply was not enough. More needed to be done. With your help, we will support Police Departments K9 program and Retired Police K9s nationally. Together, we can do this. Please join us in this mission that No Police K9 will go without funding they desperately need.

It all started in 2014 with K9 Buddy who was a devoted partner of Sean Ford with the Palmer Police Department in Massachusetts. The longevity of the K9 program depended on donations, fundraisers and grants to remain active.

Our founder, Jan pictured here with K9 Buddy was asked to help with fundraising to keep the program active. Her passion for animals and respect for Law Enforcement was a fitting combination and it didn’t take long before she dove right in and started her fundraising events. As her journey continued, she realized that fundraising was not enough. After talking with many handlers, she realized that most law enforcement agencies did not have a budget allocated for the K9 program. Most agencies rely on the community for donations and in some cases, the handler is expected to pay out of pocket and pay for expenses when funds are not available.

Taking Buddy for his Chemo treatment pictured here, Jan realized that more needs to be done for these dogs who have given their life everyday to protect us.


The Answer is simple. Fundraising for Police Departments in Massachusetts simply was not enough. Our founder Jan realized that she needed to bring her passion to a whole new level and help other Police Departments nationally that do not have a budget allocated to the K9 program and expand her efforts to include retired Police K9s in need of funds.

Jan has helped non budgeted police agencies locally in Massachusetts for several years. Pictured below are the K9s she has had the pleasure to work with and help them achieve the funds they needed.






K-9 Rex and Jan

Our founder of Paws 4 Blue K-9 Jan, has been working with Police Departments in Massachusetts for several years helping them receive funds they desperately need.

K-9 Buddy and Officer Ford

The bond between Handler and working dog is a relationship only others like them can truly understand. This team was incredible. Buddy made a huge impact on Jan and Paws 4 Blue K-9 was formed.

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit Paws 4 Blue K-9. My name is Jan Garabedian and I am the founder of P4BK9. I have been raising funds for Police K9s for several years in Massachusetts. Here is my story.

I have always been an animal lover and I come from a Law Enforcement and Military family. P4BK9 was formed in memory of the late K9 Buddy who served the Palmer Police Department in Massachusetts with his handler Sean Ford for 6 years.

If someone told me back in 2014 when I met Buddy, I would be where I am today running an organization to help Police K9s, I would have told them no way you’re crazy. I wouldn’t know how to do that. Well, here we are 2023, and I am doing just that and so honored to do so.

For those of you that are not familiar with how the K9 program operates, most small cities and towns Police Departments do not have a budget allocated for the K9 program. They rely heavily on community support by receiving donations and holding fundraisers to keep the program active. In some cases, handlers need to pay out of their own pocket when funds are not readily available.  These police dogs are Officers and deserve better than this. We are all better than this. Retired police dogs who have already served, protected and saved lives lose any benefits they may have had. This is beyond heartbreaking.

As the years passed, I continued to hold fundraisers and when Buddy retired, I held more for other departments. I found this to be so rewarding and it made me feel good that I was doing something very important that I am so passionate about that really mattered.

I sat back and said I can keep doing fundraisers for local police departments or I can make a BIG difference nationally. To keep Buddy’s Legacy alive, I formed Paws 4 Blue K9 and created “THE BUDDY FOUNDATION” in the Fall of 2022 in K9 Buddy’ memory. (We are a new organization that would like to partner with all of you). In memory of Buddy, who never had to go without funds, this is where K9 teams that need help can come to apply. But we can only help if funds are available.

These dogs are not only working dogs, they are part of the family. These dogs mean everything to their handler and family. The bond between working dog and handler is a powerful one. Only others like them can truly understand the bond that is formed.

If you would like to partner with us on our mission to help Police K9 teams, we would love your support. A portion of all proceeds from our store and 100% of donations go directly into the Buddy Foundation.